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Do They Speak English In Costa Rica

Understanding: Do They Speak English in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is a beautiful and diverse country located in Central America. For travelers planning a visit, one of the most common questions is whether English is spoken in Costa Rica. In this section, we will explore the prevalence of English language in Costa Rica, including the country’s official language, English proficiency levels, and its usage in everyday life.

Key Takeaways

  • Costa Rica’s official language is Spanish.
  • English is widely taught in schools and commonly spoken in tourist areas, hotels, and restaurants.
  • The overall English proficiency levels in Costa Rica are generally high, especially in tourist areas.
  • Visitors to Costa Rica can expect to find English-speaking services and a welcoming environment for English speakers.

Official Language and Bilingualism in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a rich linguistic history, with Spanish being the official language since the country’s independence from Spain in 1821. Despite this, Costa Rica is also known for its strong emphasis on bilingualism, with English being the most commonly taught second language in schools and widely spoken in tourist areas.

English language education has been integrated into the country’s education system since 1883, and today, it is a mandatory subject for all students in public schools from third grade onwards. Private schools are also required to offer English classes, with many opting to provide a bilingual curriculum. As a result, most Costa Ricans have at least a basic level of proficiency in English.

Bilingualism is seen as a key part of Costa Rican culture and national identity, with the government promoting and investing in English language education. In 1996, the National Bilingual Program was established with the goal of achieving full bilingualism for all Costa Ricans.

The efforts made towards bilingualism have also had economic benefits for the country. As a popular tourist destination in Central America, Costa Rica’s English-speaking populace has helped facilitate the growth of the tourism industry, attracting visitors from English-speaking countries around the world.

In summary, while Spanish remains the official language of Costa Rica, the country’s strong emphasis on bilingualism has made English a widely spoken language. English language education is a mandatory part of the education system, and efforts towards promoting bilingualism have had economic benefits for the country.

English-speaking country Costa Rica

English Proficiency Levels in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has made significant efforts to promote English language proficiency in recent years. English language education is mandatory in public schools from seventh grade onwards, and many private institutions offer English classes from a young age. As a result, the English proficiency levels in Costa Rica are relatively high compared to other Latin American countries.

According to the English Proficiency Index (EPI), Costa Rica ranks 42nd out of 100 countries worldwide in terms of English proficiency. The country has a moderate proficiency level, with a score of 52.88 out of 100. This shows that English fluency in Costa Rica is on the rise, but there is still room for improvement.

Several factors contribute to the development of English language skills in Costa Rica. Exposure to English language media, such as TV shows, movies, and music, is one such factor. Additionally, the tourism industry plays a significant role in promoting English proficiency, as many service providers and businesses cater to English-speaking tourists.

English proficiency in Costa Rica

For those interested in further developing their English language skills, Costa Rica offers various language courses and certifications. The University of Costa Rica, for example, offers a bachelor’s degree in teaching English as a foreign language, as well as several English language certificate programs.

Overall, while Spanish remains the official language in Costa Rica, English proficiency levels are on the rise, making it easier for English speakers to navigate through the country.

English in Everyday Life in Costa Rica

English is widely spoken in various aspects of daily life in Costa Rica. While Spanish remains the official language, English proficiency levels are generally high, particularly in tourist areas. Many Costa Ricans working in the tourism industry are fluent in English, and visitors can expect to find English-speaking service providers.

In shopping areas, signs and menus are often displayed in both Spanish and English. Transportation options, including taxis and buses, typically have drivers who understand some English. Additionally, many Costa Ricans who work in service-oriented industries, such as hotels and restaurants, are proficient in English and able to assist visitors.

When communicating with locals in Costa Rica, English may not always be the first language used. However, many Costa Ricans are willing to use English if visitors request it. Learning some basic Spanish phrases can also be helpful for visitors to better communicate with locals.

English in Costa Rica

English can also be useful for tourists seeking assistance from emergency services. While Costa Rican emergency services primarily use Spanish, some operators and responders may be bilingual or have a basic understanding of English.

English for Travelers and Tourists in Costa Rica

As an English-speaking country, Costa Rica is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. English-speaking services and facilities are widely available, making it easy for travelers to navigate and enjoy their time in the country.

English-speaking tour guides are readily available, providing visitors with insights into Costa Rica’s culture, history, and natural wonders. Many restaurants and cafes offer English menus, making it easy for tourists to order food and enjoy local cuisine. Accommodation options for English-speaking visitors are also widely available, ranging from budget-friendly hostels to luxury resorts.

English-speaking Country Costa Rica Image

For those who prefer to explore the country independently, transportation is also English-friendly. Taxis and ride-sharing services accept English instructions, and many bus companies provide English signage and announcements. English-speaking staff at airports and major transportation hubs are available to assist with any inquiries.

When communicating with locals, it is helpful to know some basic Spanish phrases, as not all Costa Ricans speak English fluently. However, in tourist areas, English is commonly spoken, and many locals are willing to assist visitors in English.

Overall, tourists and travelers to Costa Rica can expect a welcoming environment and English-speaking services. With so much to explore, from breathtaking beaches to lush rainforests, Costa Rica is a must-visit destination for any traveler.


In conclusion, Costa Rica is a country with a strong emphasis on bilingualism. While Spanish is the official language, English is widely spoken and taught in schools. English proficiency levels are generally high, especially in tourist areas where English-speaking services are readily available.

Visitors to Costa Rica can expect a welcoming environment for English speakers, with accommodations and services catering to their needs. The prevalence of English in various aspects of daily life, from transportation to communication with locals, makes it a practical language to use while traveling to this beautiful country.


Q: Do they speak English in Costa Rica?

A: While the official language of Costa Rica is Spanish, English is widely spoken in tourist areas, hotels, and restaurants.

Q: Is English taught in schools in Costa Rica?

A: Yes, English is taught in schools in Costa Rica, and there is a strong emphasis on bilingualism.

Q: How fluent are Costa Ricans in English?

A: English proficiency levels vary, but generally, Costa Ricans have good English language skills, especially in tourist areas.

Q: Are there English language courses available in Costa Rica?

A: Yes, there are English language courses and certifications available in Costa Rica.

Q: Can I use English in day-to-day life in Costa Rica?

A: English is commonly used in scenarios such as shopping, transportation, communication with locals, and interactions with service providers in Costa Rica.

Q: Are there English-speaking services for travelers in Costa Rica?

A: Yes, there are English-speaking tour guides, English menus, and accommodation options for English-speaking visitors in Costa Rica.

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